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List of Inscriptions

Retrieves a list of inscriptions with options to filter and sort results

Query Parameters
genesis_block Block Identifier

Bitcoin block identifier (height or hash)

Example (777654): 777654
Example (0000000000000000000452773967cdd62297137cdaf79950c5e8bb0c62075133): 0000000000000000000452773967cdd62297137cdaf79950c5e8bb0c62075133
from_genesis_block_height Block Height

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]+$

Bitcoin block height

Example: 777678
to_genesis_block_height Block Height

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]+$

Bitcoin block height

Example: 777678
from_genesis_timestamp Timestamp

Block UNIX epoch timestamp (milliseconds)

Example: 1677731361
to_genesis_timestamp Timestamp

Block UNIX epoch timestamp (milliseconds)

Example: 1677731361
from_sat_ordinal Ordinal Number

Possible values: value < 2099999997690000

Ordinal number that uniquely identifies a satoshi

Example: 257418248345364
to_sat_ordinal Ordinal Number

Possible values: value < 2099999997690000

Ordinal number that uniquely identifies a satoshi

Example: 257418248345364
from_sat_coinbase_height Block Height

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]+$

Bitcoin block height

Example: 777678
to_sat_coinbase_height Block Height

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]+$

Bitcoin block height

Example: 777678
from_number Inscription Number

Inscription number

Example: 10500
to_number Inscription Number

Inscription number

Example: 10500
id Inscription ID[]

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}i[0-9]+$

Array of inscription IDs

Example: 38c46a8bf7ec90bc7f6b797e7dc84baa97f4e5fd4286b92fe1b50176d03b18dci0,e3af144354367de58c675e987febcb49f17d6c19e645728b833fe95408feab85i0
number Inscription Number[]

Array of inscription numbers

Example: 10500,65
output Transaction Output

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}:[0-9]+$

An UTXO for a Bitcoin transaction

Example: 8f46f0d4ef685e650727e6faf7e30f23b851a7709714ec774f7909b3fb5e604c:0
address Address[]

Array of Bitcoin addresses

Example: bc1p8aq8s3z9xl87e74twfk93mljxq6alv4a79yheadx33t9np4g2wkqqt8kc5,bc1pscktlmn99gyzlvymvrezh6vwd0l4kg06tg5rvssw0czg8873gz5sdkteqj
genesis_address Address[]

Array of Bitcoin addresses

Example: bc1p8aq8s3z9xl87e74twfk93mljxq6alv4a79yheadx33t9np4g2wkqqt8kc5,bc1pscktlmn99gyzlvymvrezh6vwd0l4kg06tg5rvssw0czg8873gz5sdkteqj
mime_type MIME Type[]

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^\w+\/[-.\w]+(?:\+[-.\w]+)?$

Array of inscription MIME types

Example: image/png,image/jpeg
rarity Rarity[]

Array of satoshi rarity values

Example: common,uncommon
recursive Recursive

Whether or not the inscription is recursive

cursed Cursed

Whether or not the inscription is cursed

offset Offset

Result offset

limit Limit

Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 60

Results per page

order_by Order By

Parameter to order results by

order Order

Results order


Default Response

limit integer
offset integer
total integer
results object[]
id string
number integer
genesis_block_height integer
genesis_block_hash string
genesis_tx_id string
genesis_fee string
genesis_timestamp integer
tx_id string
location string
output string
sat_ordinal string
sat_rarity string
sat_coinbase_height integer
mime_type string
content_type string
content_length integer
timestamp integer
recursive boolean

Default Response

error string

Possible values: [Not found]