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Get total and unlocked STX supply (results formatted the same as the legacy 1.0 API)

Retrieves total supply of STX tokens including those currently in circulation that have been unlocked. Note: this uses the estimated future total supply for the year 2050.

Query Parameters
height number

Supply details are queried from specified block height. If the block height is not specified, the latest block height is taken as default value.

Example: 200


unlockedPercent string

String quoted decimal number of the percentage of STX that have unlocked

totalStacks string

String quoted decimal number of the total possible number of STX

totalStacksFormatted string

Same as totalStacks but formatted with comma thousands separators

unlockedSupply string

String quoted decimal number of the STX that have been mined or unlocked

unlockedSupplyFormatted string

Same as unlockedSupply but formatted with comma thousands separators

blockHeight string

The block height at which this information was queried